Saturday, September 15, 2012


There was a thing in life yang akan mampu buat hg senyum even hg tengah susah hati tahap super power punya which is ; FRIENDS. Ya, guwa punya kawan2 yang mampu buat hari guwa penuh ceria. Punya SI BUAH HATI, punya KELUARGA. Guwa yakin, semua orang begitu. Kekadang, semua yang mampu buat hg ceria juga, mampu buat hg superr sedih. Tapi, tu semua bergantung atas hg. Tentang macamana hg nak accept hari hg dengan kewujudan semua orang tu. Mungkin harini life hg penuh dengan kehampehan. Lalu,hg ambil keputusan untuk buang benda2 yang mampu buat hg senyum semula. Tapi, bila hg pikiaq dalam2, seperit mana pon hari hg sebab orang2 tersebut, segembira tu jugaklah hg akan rasa disebabkan orang2 yang sama. Do trust me. heh!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


3days life was full of surprise and i kinda loved that moments tooooo much! that smile,that touch, it was full of loves!!!! they said.. u cant' always be happy for all the years and times.. yes, that word has perfectly get to me. two days without enough sleep,enough food was like..hell no! it was not the real me.. so,i've tried to be strong,forget all the things and started to me be as usual.but then,i've failed..poorly failed! i can't be the happy me,the laughing me, the gajah me,the kaki kuat tidur me..nah..i just can't! what the hell with this life! and then, i started to realise that i've lost my life..that