Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Duit hilang. Muflis. Cedey. Takdak sumber nak pau. Posa.

Monday, December 10, 2012


Here i am.getting gemok,debab and tembam again.oh! harini i was like,umm..nak timbang berat lah.macam lama ja tak timbang berat.lagipun haritu i dah puasa dua hari.confirm berat i turun.hehe. But!!!!! i was damn shocked bila lepas timbang dan dapati berat i was pick up almost 2kilo’s. From 44 to 46 kilo’s.damn! i tak puas hati,then try lagi satu penimbang kat belakang. Itu lagi tipu. 47 u ols! Gila! I was like anxious tak tentu pasal. OMG OMG! kenapa boleh pick up sampai macamtu sekali.patutlah ramai orang cakap i dah makin tembam. huwaaawaa.. Firstly, i can’t accept it. Totally cant! Then, i text him bagitaw yang berat i dah naik 3kg (ok,manja kan?) .Then, he replied; takpa,lagi bertambah comel. So, ido think. okay,rezki Tuhan dah bagi. Why i nak risau2. Sepatutnya i lagi bersyukur dikurniakan sihat macamni. Terima Kasih Tuhan. (:

Thursday, December 6, 2012


“hidup ni macam gula.meneh selalu.tapi kadang2 kemanisan tu jugak boleh buat hg dapat diabetis lalu mati.”

Sunday, December 2, 2012

istanbul aku datang

Hey sunday! nothing less or more cuma aku baru je lepas tengok istanbul aku datang and i think, its worth for me berjaga sampai dua pagi semata2 tunggu cerita nih habis download. because of what? Ya Allah. the plot, the drama, the actors was soo damn amazing! no. not just amazing. it was like superrrrrr amazing. then, i was like nak repeat lagi tengok cerita ni even i baru 5minit habis tengok. hahaha. I've became so damn excited u konow! y? yelah, dua kali download, baru dapat the complete movie. 1st downloading was failed. 2nd time baru dpat! phew. i was like sooo exhausted even i'm just downloading a movie. ntah. this movie makes me felt.. umm.. taktau lah nak cakap apa. the actors and the places yang diorang shoot was damn amazing! lepas tu terus jadik macam ; eiiii nak pi jugak istanbul satu hari nanti. weirdooo... hahaha. but, i think.. tomok was sooo annoyed. blerrkk! tapi, ada actors lain yang like covers back the annoying things. start tengok sampai habis, i keep on laugh laugh and laughing macam orang gila sorang2. hahaha. sweet gila. and what was unbelievable is ; i've cried over a movie. no, not just 'A' movie. it was 'A MALAY' movie. damn i sendri pon tak boleh percaya! hahaha. so, i'm gonna give them 10 out of 5. gooo istanbul. oh,almost forgot! XOXO 'E. hahah